Welcome to your CEE 2023 Set

1. An electron is moving with a velocity v and enters a uniform electric field perpendicularly. Its trajectory within the field will be:

2. Characteristics of Hard X-ray is:

3. In a glass having liquid whose cohesive force > adhesive force, the meniscus formed is:

4. Dimensional formula of angular momentum is:

5. Web of spider due to:

6. Quarks of antineutron?

7. Acceleration due to gravity at earth's surface is g. At what height from earth's surface g is reduced by 4times?

8. The focal length of convex lens depends on

9. 'n' no. of capacitors were connected on series first then in parallel. The ratio of maximum to minimum capacitance is:

10. The escape velocity on Earth for a satellite launched vertically is 11km/s. If satellite is launched at 45degree, escape velocity will be:

11. Which of the following determines saturation point for maximum photoelectric current?

12. Red color of sky during sun rise & sunset is due to:

13. Proton is 1836 times heavier than electron. If proton is accelerated through 1V then its K.E. is:

14. What is the % of the dark matter in universe?

15. The coefficient of viscosity for hot air is:

16. How many minimum transistor needed for full wave rectifier?

17. Which of the following favours existence of substance is solid state?

18. Current in a circuit falls steadily from 5.0A to 0.0A in 10ms. If self inductance of the circuit is 10mH, then the emf induced will;

19. f=50Hz, E=200V, In LCR circuit the value of W is more than 220 at:

20. μ=1.5, power=4diopter for equiconvex lens, radius of curvature is

21. Ratio of mass number is given by 1:3 what is the ratio of atomic density?

22. A wire of 50cm long, 1mm^2 in cross section carries a current of 4A, when connected to a 2V battery, the resistivity of wire is:

23. At 300K, radiated energy is proportional to

24. A cell of emf 6V has internal resistance 0.5kohm. find V of voltmeter who has resistance 2.4kohm.

25. In common base mode of a transistor, the collector current is 5.488mA and emmiter current is 5.60mA. The value of the base current amplification factor 𝛽 is:

26. 1eV is equal to:

27. A circular loop of wire carrying current is hung freely form a thread. Which direction will it point?

28. Suppose that galaxy B is twice as far from earth as galaxy A. Hubble's Law predicts that galaxy B will be moving away from earth with approx

29. A small spherical ball with density equal to density of liquid is immersed in it. What is drift velocity?

30. When distance is doubled, illuminance is

31. Potential barrier in PN diode is due to:

32. Two waves having amplitude 3a and a are superimposed, ratio of max to min intensity is:

33. A thread subtended between two ends, has harmonics in ratio:

34. The intensity level due to waves of same frequency in a given medium are 1Bel & 5Bel, ratio of their amplitude is:

35. Two substances having ratio of mass 3:2 and ratio of specific heat 1:4 are equally heated. Ratio of their rise in temperature is:

36. A source is moving towards observer and the apparatus frequency heard by observer is double the original frequency What is Velocity of source If vel. of sound is "v".

37. In a stretched string the ratio of consecutive frequencies of sound produced is:

38. When current I is flowing through a conductor, the drift velocity is v. If the value of current through the conductor and its area of cross section is doubled, then new drift velocity will be;

39. What is the heat required to convert 1gm water from 3.5 degree to 4.5 degree?

40. What is the saturation vapour pressure for water at 100degree?

41. With rise in temperature, Young's Modulus of elasticity:

42. 6g of oxygen at pressure P and temperature 300k in a vessel is allowed to diffuse through small hole and final pressure is 2P and temperature 400k. How much O2 is leaked out?

43. Which of the following is correct for stable equilibrium?

44. For same de-Brogile wavelength, which among electron & proton has max. K.E.?

45. To make p-type semiconductor, it is doped with.

46. Escape velocity in surface of earth is:

47. Average velocity of particle if it moves half the distance in a circular track of radius 40m in 40seconds is:

48. From the graphs of ohms law voltages and current is plotted then the slope of current is;

49. Highest magnetic permeability is:

50. NOR gate function as:


51. Which is strong acid?

52. Indigo is

53. (F2CH-CHF)6 is polymer of

54. Iron obtained from blast furnace?

55. Compound treated with alkali and iodine gives hospital smell

56. Proton accelerates the hydrolysis of ester. The type of catalyst is:

57. 0.2% of NaOH is given find PH.

58. Which is used as electrode?

59. Acid of found in apple:

60. Which of the following is not use in bleaching of pulp?

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